OFAB Kenya Lead Efforts to Increase Accurate Science Reporting
OFAB Kenya continues to foster accurate science reporting. In a science café with prior participants of the annual OFAB Kenya Media Awards held [...]

African Experts Discuss Regulatory Frameworks for Animal Biotechnology
ISAAA AfriCenter in collaboration with Acceligen and Agriculture & Food Systems Institute held a regional workshop to discuss regulatory [...]

Kenyan Government Technocrats and Regulators Laud Disease Resistant Cassava
A cassava resistant to Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) can be an excellent alternative in alleviating hunger especially in situations of prolonged [...]

Malawi’s Genome Editing Guidelines key in promoting Supportive Environment for [...]
Malawi has approved its Genome Editing Guidelines joining Nigeria and Kenya as the only African countries to do so. The approval of the [...]

BREAKING NEWS!!! Ghana National Biosafety Authority Approves Environmental Release of [...]
Ghana National Biosafety Authority has approved the environmental release of Bt Cowpea, making it the second country to approve the genetically [...]

Kenyan Gov’t gives Nod to Use of Bt Cotton Seed Cake for Manufacture of Animal Feeds
In June 2022, the Government of Kenya granted approval for importation of duty-free genetically modified (GM) cottonseed cake for manufacture of [...]

AfriCenter Maps-out One Health Stakeholders in Eastern and Southern Africa
ISAAA AfriCenter, in collaboration with ILRI and CIRAD, has so far conducted three net-mapping exercises to identify and map out key stakeholders [...]
Why Effective African Youth Participation in International Biosafety Negotiations is Key
By Dr. Paul Chege Over the years, the need for a more coordinated African delegates group with sufficient technical guidance and support on the [...]
World Government’s Delegates convene in Nairobi for Biosafety Negotiations
World governments met in Nairobi Kenya from June 20-26, 2022 for the 4th meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global [...]