Policy Engagement
We work closely with parliamentarians and decision makers
to ensure that they are involved in the advancements
of agri-biotech and biosafety both locally and globally.
Improving Food Security
We believe that application of appropriate technologies in
agriculture will play a key role in enhancing food security
and contributing to poverty alleviation in Africa.
Knowledge Sharing
Our mandate on knowledge sharing is inspired by the need
to transform the agri-biotech discourse. We strive for a
debate that is informed by credible scientific evidence.
Media Engagement
Empowering the media with factual information on agri-biotech
and biosafety is vital. We continuously engage with members
of the fourth estate so as to improve accurate reporting.
Capacity Building
We invest heavily in capacity building for partners
who play a role in shaping public opinion on
agri-biotech and biosafety.
View past and recent publications of our monthly
newsletter series, The Drumbeat.