Food for All in Africa: Sustainable Intensification for African Farmers

Africa requires a new agricultural transformation that is appropriate for Africa, that recognizes the continent’s diverse environments and climates, and that takes into account its histories and cultures while benefiting rural smallholder farmers and their families. In this boldly optimistic book, Sir Gordon Conway, Ousmane Badiane, and Katrin Glatzel describe the key challenges faced by Africa’s smallholder farmers and present the concepts and practices of Sustainable Intensification (SI) as opportunities to sustainably transform Africa’s agriculture sector and the livelihoods of millions of smallholders. The way forward, they write, will be an agriculture sector deeply rooted within SI: producing more with less, using fertilizers and pesticides more prudently, adapting to climate change, improving natural capital, adopting new technologies, and building resilience at every stage of the agriculture value chain. Get the full publication here.

Biofortification: A food-systems solution to help end hidden hunger

Micronutrient deficiency, or hidden hunger, is the most prevalent form of malnutrition, affecting more than two billion people worldwide. Biofortified crops are those which have been nutritionally enhanced using agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding, or modern biotechnology. The objective of the brief, Biofortification: A food-systems solution to help end hidden hunger, is to encourage the adoption and scaling up of biofortification through national policies and programs, with collaborative support from FAO and HarvestPlus. The brief is available publicly to inform policy, program, and advocacy work. Get the full publication here.