Africa Science Dialogue, an Inclusive Platform to Combat Misinformation, Launched at [...]
ISAAA AfriCenter and her partners, in August 2023, launched the Africa Science Dialogue portal, an inclusive and interactive platform that [...]

Sorghum Festival was a Major Attraction at ABBC2023
The Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication (ABBC2023) symposium treated delegates to a Sorghum Festival, an extra-ordinary session held in the [...]

The Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication (ABBC) Symposium: A Crucial Platform [...]
The ABBC Symposium was borne out of a dire need for a consistent platform that brings together agri-biotech and biosafety stakeholders to [...]

Best-bet Communication Approaches on New Breeding Technologies proposed at ABBC2023
The fight against misinformation on agricultural bio-innovations in Africa has received a major boost following the launch of the Africa Science [...]
Press Review: African Media Reporting on GMO Positive
Media sentiment around genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and biotechnological developments in agriculture was generally positive in July [...]
Stakeholders Brainstorm on National Engagement Strategy for Genome-edited Sorghum in [...]
ISAAA AfriCenter in partnership with Addis Ababa University and Bio and Emerging Technology Institute (BETin) held a sorghum value chain [...]
AfriCenter and Partners intensify Efforts towards Improved Planetary Health
ISAAA AfriCenter continued efforts to enhance multi-sectoral collaborations and integrated efforts towards improvement of planetary health. Our [...]
Rwanda approves Draft Biosafety Law
Rwanda has moved a step closer towards harnessing the benefits of modern biotechnology following the introduction of a draft biosafety law. The [...]
How agri-entrepreneurial start-ups can power up Africa’s potential through effective [...]
Building sustainable food systems is key in accelerating Africa’s ambition to be a food secure, economic self-sufficient and climate-resilient [...]