2024 Call for Participants OMAs-Kenya
The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (OFAB) Kenya Chapter is glad to announce the 2024 call for participation in the annual [...]

Efforts Towards Harmonisation of Regional Biosafety Policies in COMESA Revived
The Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Acquisition of [...]

Eric Okoree, the Man who transformed Ghana’s Biosafety System
Eric Okoree is confident Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) is set for stratospheric heights even without him, feeling an [...]

The Role of Agricultural Biotechnology in Biodiversity Conservation
On May 22 of every year, the world observes The International Day for Biodiversity (IDB), commemorating adoption of the text of the Convention on [...]

One Health Café: Experts share a table with Journalists in Botswana
Attended by journalists and presenters from print, television and radio networks in Botswana, experts in One Health from key line ministries, and [...]

Botswana: A healthy discourse on institutionalizing One Health
On many fronts, such as egalitarianism, Botswana is one healthy country. However, it lacks an official national One Health platform, a rare blot [...]

Don’t pass information; Communicate
You should have seen the room light up in a eureka moment when Bibiana Iraki, Senior Programs Officer at ISAAA AfriCenter, told gathered experts [...]

AATF Conducts Stewardship Compliance Training for SSSfA Project Team
The African Agricultural Technology Foundation, on 20th March 2024, conducted a stewardship compliance training for the team implementing the [...]

Against the enemy, Striga
As the curtains came down on an impeccable three-day Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication (ABBC) symposium on August 24, 2023, generous [...]