Agri-Biotech: A Potential Economic Enabler for Kenya
By Fatma Omar Have you ever pondered how we can make our agriculture industry into a job-creating powerhouse? Well, modern agricultural [...]
Meet Young Biotech Scientists Championing for Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya
After a fast-paced two-day early career scientists’ workshop at the University of Embu, The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in [...]
Kenyan Stakeholders determined to stem the Spread of Misinformation about Biotech
To nip the spread of misinformation in the bud, ISAAA AfriCenter held two significant sensitization events on 28th and 29th May 2024. The two, a [...]
Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass, a Game-changer in Africa’s Quest to produce [...]
The cohort of 30, the second group to benefit from the Africa Biosciences Hubs (AfriBIOHubs) training initiative, left fulfilled after the [...]
Inside Africa’s ambitious Plans to build a Robust Food Safety System
It would be ingenious for Africa to establish a food safety agency that will ensure efficient multi-sectoral coordination of food safety systems [...]
2024 Call for Participants OMAs-Kenya
The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (OFAB) Kenya Chapter is glad to announce the 2024 call for participation in the annual [...]

Efforts Towards Harmonisation of Regional Biosafety Policies in COMESA Revived
The Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Acquisition of [...]

Eric Okoree, the Man who transformed Ghana’s Biosafety System
Eric Okoree is confident Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) is set for stratospheric heights even without him, feeling an [...]

The Role of Agricultural Biotechnology in Biodiversity Conservation
On May 22 of every year, the world observes The International Day for Biodiversity (IDB), commemorating adoption of the text of the Convention on [...]