Malawi Approves Confined Field Trials for Transgenic Bananas
The Malawi National Biosafety Regulatory Committee (NBRC) approved confined field trials for banana on 26th February 2016. This comes soon after [...]

Kenya’s Permanent Secretary Urges for Increased Efforts on Biotechnology and [...]
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prof Collette Suda, has called on biotechnology and biosafety [...]

Out of the Board room into the Fields: Kenya’s Biosafety Board and Appeals Board [...]
Members of the Kenya National Biosafety Authority board and Appeals board went on an in-country biotech study tour on the 22nd February 2016. The [...]

Kenya Approves Limited Release of GM Maize
Following an application submitted by Kenya Agricultural Livestock and Research Organisation (KALRO) and the African Agricultural Technology [...]

Uganda’s First Field Observation of GM Potato Shows Extreme Resistance to Late Blight
A first field trial, October 2015 to January 2016, has just been completed at the Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development [...]

Kenya National Biosafety Authority Receives Public Comments on Bt cotton [...]
The Kenya National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has formally received comments from the public as it embarks on analyzing feedback for consideration [...]

Uganda’s VP Calls for Expedited Passing of Biotech and Biosafety Bill
Uganda’s Vice President, Hon. Edward Sekandi, has urged Members of Parliament to pass Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill 2012, which will [...]

AfriCenter Participates in a Study Tour to Sudan Bt Cotton Fields
AfriCenter participated in a study tour to Sudan organized by the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern & Southern Africa (ACTESA/COMESA) [...]

East African Scientists and Regulators Undergo Advanced Biosafety Course
International Plant Biotechnology Outreach of VIB and Ghent University, in collaboration with International Potato Center (CIP) conducted a [...]