Webinar: The Challenges of Communicating about Gene Technologies
ISAAA presents the next webinar entitled The Challenges of Communicating about Gene Technologies in Post-truth, Post-trust, Post-expert, and [...]

Understanding cultivar decline in sweetpotato for better seed systems interventions
By Kwame Ogero, International Potato Center (CIP) Cultivar decline, a progressive reduction in yields from season to season, is a major challenge [...]
Critical Role of Women in averting COVID-19 “Food Pandemic” in Africa
By Gaudiose Mujawamariya As infections with COVID-19 appear to be intensifying in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), fears of severe food shortages have [...]

OFAB Kenya Media Awards 2020: Call for Participants
The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (OFAB) Kenya Chapter is glad to announce the 2020 call for participation in the annual [...]
Top Ten Facts about VIRCA Plus Project in Kenya VIRCA Plus project is developing disease resistant and nutritionally enhanced cassava varieties [...]
Beyond Food: Cassava Innovations in Manufacture of Biodegradable Packaging Bags
By Dr. Joseph K. Muiruri I have always been fascinated by interactions between science, technology and environment from which I developed [...]

KALRO Seeks Approval for Open Cultivation of Disease-Resistant GM Cassava
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has applied to the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) for environmental release [...]
Local Evidence on Food and Agricultural Systems Key in the Face of COVID-19
When passing through certain streets in Nairobi, you would not be mistaken to think that there is an upsurge in car boot sales. There is. [...]

Science finally gets the attention it deserves
Dr. Margaret Karembu The now “infamous” household name COVID-19 has caused unprecedented disruptions and brought our lives to a standstill. By [...]