Category: Uncategorized

Agricultural Biotechnology: A Lot More than Just GM Crops This booklet developed by International Service for the [...]

Two Years Later: Burkinabé Farmers Reminisce of Better Days with Bt Cotton
Growing cotton in Burkina Faso has been associated with use of insecticides to control insect pests, particularly [...]
Farmers’ pressure seen as missing link in removing bad policies in Uganda
The latest report on the global acquisition of biotechnology is out and reports a significant increase in the [...]
New Research in Biosciences – Africa
Overexpression of rice thaumatin-like protein (Ostlp) gene in transgenic cassava results in enhanced tolerance [...]

Agricultural Biotechnology made me a Job Creator, Money Maker and Game Changer
We may have varied opinions on what biotechnology can do for Africa. Nonetheless, my personal journey in this field [...]
High Hopes as Uganda’s Biotech Bill Gets ‘Second Chance’
Optimism is high within Uganda’s pro-biotech community as they eagerly await outcomes of the March 28, 2018 [...]
Upcoming Events
International Conference on Medical and Biosciences (ICMBS) ICMBS provides an international platform for [...]

Ugandan Farmers Celebrate Passing of GMO Bill
By Hope Mafaranga “Now that we have a law in place, we will be able to mitigate drought and diseases through [...]

Ethiopian Environment Minister Promotes Biotech to Address Food and Economic Challenges
Ethiopia’s State Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, H.E. Mr. Kare Chawicha has urged African [...]