One Health Café: Experts share a table with Journalists in Botswana
Attended by journalists and presenters from print, television and radio networks in Botswana, experts in One Health [...]
Attended by journalists and presenters from print, television and radio networks in Botswana, experts in One Health [...]
You should have seen the room light up in a eureka moment when Bibiana Iraki, Senior Programs Officer at ISAAA [...]
In a remarkable gathering on the sidelines of the Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication Symposium (ABBC2023), [...]
ISAAA AfriCenter and her partners, in August 2023, launched the Africa Science Dialogue portal, an inclusive and [...]
The ABBC Symposium was borne out of a dire need for a consistent platform that brings together agri-biotech and [...]
The fight against misinformation on agricultural bio-innovations in Africa has received a major boost following the [...]
The National One Health Steering Committee in Ethiopia and the University of Addis Ababa with support from [...]
ISAAA presents the next webinar entitled The Challenges of Communicating about Gene Technologies in Post-truth, [...]
The Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication Symposium (ABBC2019), which took place on 29th and 30th August in [...]
ISAAA AfriCenter Director and chair of the African Women for Biosciences, Dr Margaret Karembu attended The [...]