Consultant at Right Track Africa
Julius Nyangaga is a consultant with Right Track Africa, a Nairobi-based consortium
of professionals that supports clients in strategy development, system
characterizations (baseline studies), facilitating forums for innovative decision-
making, and monitoring and evaluation. He is especially trained and experienced in
integrating and learning from outcome-oriented thinking and evidence-based
approaches (Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting) in all aspects of project
Since 2005, Julius has trained and guided numerous organizations and project
teams in learning how to apply outcome mapping and harvesting. He has developed
knowledge and skills in utilization-focused evaluation, applying the approach to
several IDRC’s Information and Networks (I&N) projects in Africa. He has applied
the same expertise to several project assessments in East Africa, the most notable
being MasterCard Foundation-funded CAP YEI youth development program in