Key Biotech Crop Traits in Africa by 2014 download

Key Biotech Crop Traits in Africa by 2014

YEAR: 2015
Categories: briefs
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OFAB Kenya Chapter 2014 Annual Report download

OFAB Kenya Chapter 2014 Annual Report

YEAR: 2015
Categories: reports
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Kenya: Top Ten Facts About Agri-Biotech & Biosafety By 2014 download

Kenya: Top Ten Facts About Agri-Biotech & Biosafety By 2014

YEAR: 2015
Categories: briefs
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Africa Rising: Top Ten Facts About Biotech/GM Crops in Africa 2014 download

Africa Rising: Top Ten Facts About Biotech/GM Crops in Africa 2014

YEAR: 2015
Categories: briefs
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Content Analysis of Media (Print) Coverage of Biotechnology Issues in Kenya download

Content Analysis of Media (Print) Coverage of Biotechnology Issues in Kenya

YEAR: 2008
Categories: briefs
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Communicating Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa: What Role for Radio download

Communicating Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa: What Role for Radio

YEAR: 2011
Categories: briefs
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Status of Biotechnology Policies and Biosafety Legislation in the COMESA Region download

Status of Biotechnology Policies and Biosafety Legislation in the COMESA Region

YEAR: 2012
Categories: briefs
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Modern Biotechnology in the EU: Perceptions versus Reality download

Modern Biotechnology in the EU: Perceptions versus Reality

YEAR: 2011
Categories: briefs
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The RABESA Project 2004 – 2011: Achievements and Future Prospects download

The RABESA Project 2004 – 2011: Achievements and Future Prospects

YEAR: 2012
Categories: briefs
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Enhancing the Diffuson of Tissue Culture Banana to Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya download

Enhancing the Diffuson of Tissue Culture Banana to Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya

YEAR: 2007
Categories: briefs
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