Tanzania Plants its First GMO Field Trial
Tanzania planted its first-ever confined field trial on genetically modified maize, on 5th October 2016, in Dodoma region, a semi-arid area in [...]

Uganda holds Banana Research Training for African Scientists and Biotechnology Regulators
International Plant Biotechnology Outreach of VIB, Ghent University and KU Leuven, in collaboration with Uganda’s National Agricultural Research [...]

Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority Gives GM Cotton Partial Nod
The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved environmental release (open field cultivation) of MON 15985 event (commonly referred to as Bt [...]

Kenyan County Executives of Health, Environment and Agriculture Call for Lifting of GMO Ban
Several Kenyan County Executive Committee members (county ministers) for Health, Environment and Agriculture expressed their support for crop [...]

Africa’s Biosafety Agencies Seek to Harmonize Approaches to Regulatory Systems
The Association of National Biosafety Agencies in Africa (ANBAA) held its first African Biosafety Leadership Summit on August 15 and 16, 2016 in [...]

Placing a GM crop in the Market is not as Costly as you had Imagined
A recent study published in the International Journal of Biotechnology (2016 Vol. 14 No.2) puts to bed the belief that releasing a GM crop costs [...]

Biosafety Appeals Board Holds Sensitization Workshop in Kisumu County
The Biosafety Appeals Board was established under section 35 of the Biosafety Act. However, the Board came into effect in the year 2014 when the [...]

Biotechnology to Ease Food Challenges – Malawi’s NCST Director
Re-posted from Malawi Nation. Article by Precious Kumbani Malawi needs to find ways of increasing its agricultural productivity such as the use [...]

Kenyan Lawmaker Champions Uptake of GMOs to Boost Food Security
Re-posted from Nation Online. Article by Charles Wanyoro A senator has urged the government to hasten passage of laws to allow growing of [...]