How European-Based NGOs Block Crop Biotechnology Adoption In Africa
Re-posted from Genetic Literacy Projet. By Dr. Margaret Karembu, Director ISAAA AfriCenter HIGHLIGHTS: • European politicians and anti-biotech [...]

Kenyan Law-makers Demand for Homegrown GM Crops
Kenyan law-makers have called on researchers to double their efforts in advancing what they called homegrown GM crops. The Members of Parliament [...]

Genetically-modified Bt maize alternative for combating armyworms
Re-posted from Zambia Daily Mail. Articlce by BENEDICT TEMBO The recent outbreak of crop pests has brought to the fore not only the farmers’ [...]

Church Leaders in Nigeria Support Agri-Biotech Research
Church leaders in Nigeria have have called on agricultural biotechnology experts to undertake research that is focused on the population’s [...]

Farmers in Kirinyaga, Central Kenya, Urge the Government to Release WEMA Bt Maize [...]
Farmers in Kirinyaga County, Central Kenya, have reiterated their call on the government to lift the ban on GM food imports that was imposed by a [...]

African Agricultural Technology Foundation Establishes First Early Generation Seed [...]
The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) has establishment the first Early Generation (foundation) seed production entity in [...]

Ghana’s President Urged to Adopt Modern Agric Technologies
The Alliance for Science Ghana has written an open letter to President Nana Akufo-Addo urging him to adopt modern agricultural technologies, [...]

International Collaboration Receives Grant to Advance Improvements in Cassava [...]
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 14, 2016 — The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center announces that the Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa Plus (VIRCA Plus) [...]

Why ISAAA is Concerned about Collaboration between Aarhus Convention and the [...]
Dr. Margaret Karembu, Director ISAAA AfriCenter allayed her concerns about the joint collaboration between Aarhus Convention and the Cartagena [...]