Update: Uganda’s Biotech Bill Passed by Parliament on 4th October 2016
Uganda’s Biotech Bill Could be Passed by Parliament Tomorrow By Esther Nakkazi The Uganda biotechnology and biosafety bill is due to be [...]

OFAB-Kenya Recognizes Excellence in Science Journalism
The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology (OFAB)-Kenya Chapter recognized science and business reporters at a media recognition award gala [...]

Policy Reforms Key in Biotech/GM Crops Adoption in Africa
COMESA member states through its specialized agency ACTESA – Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa have acknowledged [...]

Pests, Drought and Empty Plates: Kenyan Farmers Call on Government to Lift GMO Ban
Farmers around the country have urged government to hasten the process of availing the genetically improved Water Efficient Maize for Africa [...]

Biosafety Communication: Terminology Matters
Scientists working on transgenic vegetatively propagated crops in Africa have acknowledged the need to simplify terminologies for public [...]

GMOs: ‘An African wide regulatory network can dispel fears’
By Alex Abutu, Communications Consultant, NBMA The Agri-biotechnology and Biosafety Communication (ABBC) Symposium opened in Entebbe, Uganda, on [...]

What I learned at #ABBC2017
Jill Kuehnert from Seed Stories was part of the organising committee for #ABBC2017. In this piece, she reflects on what she learnt during the [...]

African Biosafety Regulators Embrace Biosafety Communication at ABBC 2017
Biosafety regulators from various African countries have embraced and appreciated the importance of biosafety communication in creating public [...]

Ugandan Government Supports Passage of Biosafety Bill
Dr. Elioda Tumwesgye, Ugandan Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation has reaffirmed government support towards the passage of a [...]