Publications – The DrumBeat
“Fall Armyworm in Africa: A Guide for Integrated Pest Management,” jointly produced by Feed the Future, the United States Agency for [...]
Regulator’s Corner
February 15, 2018 – Malaysia approved the Innate potato event E12 (stacked PQ) for food and feed use. February 14, 2018 – Australia [...]
New Research In Biosciences – Africa
Enhancing smallholder farmers’ awareness of GM maize technology, management practices and compliance to stewardship requirements in the [...]

Who is afraid of Genetically Modified Organisms?
The genetically modified organism (GMO) debate remains engulfed in a maelstrom of controversies. Sadly, what is largely a first world debate [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2017 provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of emerging issues and challenges being faced by [...]
Upcoming Events
Uganda Biotechnology and Biosafety Consortium (UBBC) is a coalition of Ugandan stakeholders in support of safe and responsible use of [...]
Regulator’s Corner
January 19, 2018 – USA approved the GM rice event Huahui 1 (IR) for food use. January 11, 2018 – In late 2017, the European Union [...]
New Research in Biosciences – Africa
Rift Valley fever is a zoonotic disease, which has caused several epidemics in humans in many countries of Africa. Using an inhibition [...]

African Women Vow to Rally Behind Biotech
Members of the Africa Women for Biosciences (AWfB) have vowed to rally behind biotechnology as they advocate for an efficient and effective [...]