New Research in Biosciences – Africa
Overexpression of rice thaumatin-like protein (Ostlp) gene in transgenic cassava results in enhanced tolerance to Colletotrichum [...]
Upcoming Events
Sorghum in the 21st Century- “Food, Feed and Fuel in a Rapidly Changing World” When: 9th – 12th April 2018 Where: Century City Conference [...]

Agricultural Biotechnology made me a Job Creator, Money Maker and Game Changer
We may have varied opinions on what biotechnology can do for Africa. Nonetheless, my personal journey in this field is a story of success that [...]
High Hopes as Uganda’s Biotech Bill Gets ‘Second Chance’
Optimism is high within Uganda’s pro-biotech community as they eagerly await outcomes of the March 28, 2018 tabling of a report on the [...]

Kenya’s Environment Agency Invites Public to Submit Comments on a Bt Cotton [...]
The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has invited the public to submit comments on an environmental impact assessment (EIA) [...]

Kenya Developing Animal Biotech Regulatory Guidelines
Kenya could soon begin using genetically modified animals in research as the country’s biosafety authority is set to finalize draft guidelines on [...]

Bioscience holds the key to a blossoming Africa
As Africa grapples with realities of its swelling population, one of the challenges that warrant solicited attention is the strain on food [...]

What will it take to trust Scientists on GMOs?
Africa continues to lag behind in adoption of biotech crops. In 2016, only two of the 26 countries that planted biotech crops were from the [...]
Upcoming Events
International Conference on Medical and Biosciences (ICMBS) ICMBS provides an international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, [...]