What will it take to trust Scientists on GMOs?
Africa continues to lag behind in adoption of biotech crops. In 2016, only two of the 26 countries that planted biotech crops were from the [...]
Upcoming Events
International Conference on Medical and Biosciences (ICMBS) ICMBS provides an international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
“Fall Armyworm in Africa: A Guide for Integrated Pest Management,” jointly produced by Feed the Future, the United States Agency for [...]
Regulator’s Corner
February 15, 2018 – Malaysia approved the Innate potato event E12 (stacked PQ) for food and feed use. February 14, 2018 – Australia [...]
New Research In Biosciences – Africa
Enhancing smallholder farmers’ awareness of GM maize technology, management practices and compliance to stewardship requirements in the [...]
Who is afraid of Genetically Modified Organisms?
The genetically modified organism (GMO) debate remains engulfed in a maelstrom of controversies. Sadly, what is largely a first world debate [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2017 provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of emerging issues and challenges being faced by [...]
Upcoming Events
Uganda Biotechnology and Biosafety Consortium (UBBC) is a coalition of Ugandan stakeholders in support of safe and responsible use of [...]
Regulator’s Corner
January 19, 2018 – USA approved the GM rice event Huahui 1 (IR) for food use. January 11, 2018 – In late 2017, the European Union [...]