Food Insecurity in Africa Threatens to get out of Hand: Biotech Crops Offer a Viable Option
Growing up in Ethiopia watching climate patterns change with every wake, and the subsequent diminishing of farm yields each consecutive season, [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World: Building Climate Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition, FAO 2018 The State of Food [...]

Lift the GM Ban and Give Kenyan Farmers a Chance
As a Kenyan small holder farmer and farmer leader, I speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say we feel disregarded by our leaders except during [...]

Kenyan Policy Makers Vouch for Commercialization of Bt Cotton
Kenyan policy makers have promised to fast-track Bt cotton growing in the country. This is after participating in a study tour of India’s [...]

Two Years Later: Burkinabé Farmers Reminisce of Better Days with Bt Cotton
Growing cotton in Burkina Faso has been associated with use of insecticides to control insect pests, particularly the African bollworm and [...]
Upcoming Events in Biosciences
Biotechnology Scientists’ Awards Ceremony When: 19 September, 2018 Where: Kampala, Uganda What: The event, to be held during an evening cocktail [...]
Farmers’ pressure seen as missing link in removing bad policies in Uganda
The latest report on the global acquisition of biotechnology is out and reports a significant increase in the adoption of new technologies of [...]