Southern African Society for Plant Pathology (SASPP) Conference When: 20 – 24 January, 2019 Where: Langebaan, South Africa What: The [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
WATER-WISE: Smart Irrigation Strategies for Africa The report by Malabo Montpellier Panel gives an overview of the challenges on agricultural [...]

Finishing Strong: Going the Distance for African Farmers
At the AfriCenter, we believe that our work would be incomplete without delivering the benefits of modern biotechnology tools to small-holder [...]

Society for Biotech Farmers of Kenya (SOBIFAK) Launched
Principal Secretary for Agriculture Research Professor Hamadi Boga launched the Society for Biotech Farmers of Kenya (SOBIFAK) in Mwea, Kirinyaga [...]
Upcoming Events in Biosciences
International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food Safety When: 10 – 11 December, 2018 Where: Nairobi, Kenya What: The conference aims [...]

Forging a New Deal for Nature and People
Time is due in mainstreaming biodiversity to all human activities and all economic sectors in order to secure it in a sustainable manner. This [...]

Africa must endeavor to bridge the gap between research and implementation
Africa must position herself to tap from the numerous benefits provided by application of science, technology and innovations (ST&I) in the [...]
Publications – The DrumBeat
Inside the Biotech Lab: How to Genetically Engineer a Plan, ISAAA 2018 Biotechnology is one of the most controversial fields of science and [...]