Key Lessons from Nigeria’s Environmental Approval of TELA Maize
In October this year (2021), Africa recorded a milestone in crop biotech development when the Federal Government of Nigeria granted environmental [...]

AUDA-NEPAD’s call for support of genome editing: Why investing in this novel [...]
By Prof. Aggrey Ambali Modern science, technologies and innovations (STIs) continue to gain traction and play a key role in our contemporary [...]

Nigeria Approves Genetically Modified TELA Maize for Open Cultivation
The Federal Government of Nigeria has granted environmental approval for evaluation and open cultivation of TELA Maize, a new maize variety [...]

Key Lesson and Resolutions from the Africa Biennial Biosciences Symposium 2021
By Dr. Margaret Karembu, MBS ISAAA AfriCenter Director and Co- Convener ABBC 2021 The fourth edition of the Africa Biennial Biosciences [...]

Genome Editing in Africa’s Agriculture: Crop Breeding 2.0
New breeding innovations are increasing the efficiency of improving crops with valuable traits. In Africa, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing is already [...]

GM Cassava Approval in Kenya: Lessons from the Virtual Public Participation Process
When the Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa (VIRCA) Plus project team, led by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), [...]

Inside Research Project Developing Genome Edited Chickens Resistant to Bird Flu
The use of genome editing in animal research is fast gaining traction in Africa. A number of countries on the continent are now positioning [...]

Kenya National Biosafety Authority Approves Genetically Modified Cassava
The Kenya National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved environmental release of genetically modified (GM) cassava event 4046, resistant to [...]

Biotech a Tenable Solution to Addressing Hunger in Africa, say Experts
Researchers and experts continue to call for increased adoption of biotechnology, citing the technology as one of the key tools required to [...]