Introducing the timely COHESA project
Our editor interviewed the project lead for the ambitious COHESA project, Dr. Theo Knight-Jones. He gives an overview of what COHESA project [...]

Africa’s Next-Generation Researchers Scheduled to Participate in an Enzyme [...]
The Feed the Future Striga-Smart Sorghum for Africa (SSSfA) project is holding an enzyme manufacturing masterclass on 17th – 21st April, 2023. [...]

Kenyan Stakeholders Call for Demand-driven Initiatives towards Commercialization of [...]
Sorghum stakeholders in Kenya have identified and mapped out key actors who will influence demand-driven commercialization of Striga resistant [...]

Striga Smart Sorghum for Africa Project Maps out Ethiopia’s Sorghum Value Chain Actors
ISAAA AfriCenter in partnership with Addis Ababa University and Bio and Emerging Technology Institute (BETin) held a sorghum value chain [...]

Clipping the Wings of Striga Weed, Africa’s “Cereal Killer”
Sorghum is the second most important staple cereal on the continent with over 300 million people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) relying on it for [...]

Africa’s Participation at COP15/COPMOP10 in Montreal Canada, December 2022
COP15 decision, dubbed ’30 by 30 target’ hailed by many as landmark in which countries around the world are required to protect 30% [...]

Striga Smart Sorghum for Africa Project Launched in Kenya and Ethiopia
A new public-private partnership project, Feed the Future Striga Smart Sorghum for Africa (SSSfA), has been launched in Kenya and Ethiopia. SSSfA [...]

Effective Communication and Policy Advocacy Key in Addressing One Health Issues
One Health (OH) stakeholders in eastern and southern Africa regions have rooted for establishment and institutionalization of OH platforms to [...]