Over 20 editors from leading TV stations, local newspaper and magazines participated in an agri-biotech sensitization meeting on October 27, 2016, in Nairobi. The meeting’s objective was to update this key stakeholder group on on-going agricultural biotechnology research initiatives in the country. While updating participants on the status of Kenya’s biosafety framework, Dr. Willy Toni, CEO National Biosafety Authority (NBA), noted that the country has served as a role model for Africa on biosafety regulatory issues. “Kenya was the first country in the world to sign the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and many countries look up to us. The media should therefore rely on NBA for safety matters since it is the national focal point on GMO issues” he said.
Bibiana Iraki from ISAAA AfriCenter highlighted effects of news values – guidelines used by the media to determine how much prominence to give a story – on science stories. “If we go by the same yard stick to determine what a good science story is, then science reporting is in trouble” she said. Editors were urged to reduce the use of conflict in capturing an audience’s attention as it hugely downplays the scientific angle of science stories, making it hard for them to adequately educate the public.

On her part, Dr. Faith Nguthi from ISAAA AfriCenter cited use of negative images by the media as a huge setback in agri-biotech reporting. ‘’You can see a very well written story in the newspaper accompanied by a photo of a tomato with a syringe. This sends a negative message to the readers” said Dr. Faith. “After all, a picture is worth a thousand words” she added.
Mr. Hassan Kulundu, Secretary General of the Editors Guild, appreciated the opportunity to interact with scientists and urged them to re-package their research findings in a simple and appealing manner for the media to pick up. “The buck stops with scientists. If research findings can be packaged to address real problems affecting people such as the current food shortages being experienced in the country, science stories can make headlines from January to December,” said Mr. Hassan. In a bid to curb use of negative images by media in agri-biotech reporting, scientist were urged to volunteer photos to journalists and editors.
The meeting provided an opportunity for relationship building between editors and scientists, a key component for increased balanced reporting on agri-biotech and biosafety. It was co-organized by ISAAA AfriCenter, Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology – Kenya Chapter, and the Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa project.