Update: Uganda’s Biotech Bill Passed by Parliament on 4th October 2016
Uganda’s Biotech Bill Could be Passed by Parliament Tomorrow By Esther Nakkazi The Uganda biotechnology and [...]
Uganda’s Biotech Bill Could be Passed by Parliament Tomorrow By Esther Nakkazi The Uganda biotechnology and [...]
COMESA member states through its specialized agency ACTESA – Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and [...]
Biosafety regulators from various African countries have embraced and appreciated the importance of biosafety [...]
Dr. Elioda Tumwesgye, Ugandan Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation has reaffirmed government support [...]
Uganda government is upbeat on passing GM crops legislation. While launching the 2016 Global Status of [...]
The 2016 annual report on Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops has been launched in three African [...]
Kenyan women in biosciences expressed their concerns on the unpredictable biotechnology and biosafety policy [...]
Mozambique has planted the first field trial of genetically modified (GM) maize in the Chokwe District of Gaza [...]
Kenyan law-makers have called on researchers to double their efforts in advancing what they called homegrown GM [...]
Re-posted from Zambia Daily Mail. Articlce by BENEDICT TEMBO The recent outbreak of crop pests has brought to the [...]