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27th March 2024
Welcome to issue 69 of the DrumBeat!

Dear reader,

Welcome to issue 69 of The Drumbeat. This issue's theme is "Incorporating environment and plant health into the One Health approach."

We highlight the efforts to integrate key sectors in the One Health approach by deconstructing the environment and plant health to gain insight into their role and contribution to successful One Health application.

In honor of the International Women's Day celebrated on 8th of March, we feature interviews and articles from women in science in both our story of the month and the video of the month.

Ms. Betty Mbolanyi, a One Health expert from Uganda's Ministry of Water and Environment, features in our video of the month where she shares her thoughts on the role of environment in One Health from her personal and professional experience in the Ugandan One Health landscape.

In our story of the month, Dr. Margaret Karembu emphasizes the role of Agri-innovations in the One Health approach and reiterates the need for holistic inclusion especially of the plant and environment health sectors that are lagging yet crucial to achieving One Health.

The Drumbeat team encourages you to register for the AfriSD platform, where real-time discussions around One Health topics and bioscience in general can be had here to keep the conversations going.

Enjoy your read!


One Health Approach in Uganda

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Dr. Margaret Karembu, MBS

Dr. Margaret Karembu, MBS
Director, ISAAA-AfriCenter

One for All, All for One: Agri-biotech Innovations’ Role in Ecosystems Health

The One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) defines One Health as an integrative and systems approach to optimize health by recognizing the interconnectedness between the health of humans, animals, and plants in their ecosystems within the environment. In 2022, the initial tripartite partnership of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) recognized the need to expand the scope of One Health in the quadripartite collaboration that includes the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to guide the environment agenda of One Health. Read more

From Our Newsroom
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Integrating environmental and ecosystem health into One Health - choices, contexts and communities matter

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Environmental health players missing in One Health

Environmental health players missing in One Health

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Journalists: What, really, is One Health?

Journalists: What, really, is One Health?

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