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25th June 2024
Welcome to issue 72 of The Drumbeat!

The story of bioscience innovations and other scientific developments in Africa cannot be told engrossingly better than in the DrumBeat. In this month's Issue, we bring you exclusive stories and insights on the importance of food safety for a food secure, healthier and prosperous Africa. We amplify key voices calling for a proactive approach in forestalling food safety incidents in line with the theme of this year's World Food Safety Day which was celebrated on June 6.

In the Video of the Month, Zambian One Health experts explain how food safety is a key component of public health. The country was recently hit by the worst cholera outbreak in over 50 years. More than 700 people died from the disease with over 20,000 getting infected - the highest number of fatalities and infections ever recorded from cholera outbreaks in the country. The video explains how contaminated food may have caused this outbreak. To prevent cholera outbreaks in future, the video carries some key recommendations from the experts.

The Story of the Month explores important strategies that Africa has put in place in its quest to build a robust food safety system. In an exclusive interview, Modupe Adeyemo, a food safety expert from the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), shares invaluable insights on how and why the continent should prioritize food safety to meet its flagship socio-economic development goals.

We also share with you a special publication, the COMESA Brief. The Brief documents the current status of biotechnology and biosafety policies in the COMESA region. These include biotechnology and biosafety policies, biosafety laws and bills, biosafety implementing regulations, and any other legislation that may have clauses on biotechnology and biosafety.

The Drumbeat team continues to invite you to join the Africa Science Dialogue community, a new initiative that connects experts, journalists, and other stakeholders to interact and share factual, verifiable, and credible information about science, technologies, and innovations in agriculture, health, and the environment. Sign up here to be part of this vibrant community. OFAB-Kenya has opened a call for entries into this year's journalism excellence awards in agri-biotech reporting.

Enjoy your read!


One health approach to food safety in Zambia

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Modupe Adeyemo

Modupe Adeyemo
Program Officer, Food Safety

Inside Africa's ambitious Plans to build a Robust Food Safety System

It would be ingenious for Africa to establish a food safety agency that will ensure efficient multi-sectoral coordination of food safety systems on the continent. Food safety holds an important place in Africa's quest to become food-secure, healthier and prosperous in the face of climate change. Accordingly, the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) is strongly committed to improving food safety standards and policies on the continent.
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From Our Newsroom
ACTESA and ISAAA AfriCenter Sign MoU

ACTESA and ISAAA AfriCenter Sign MoU

The Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ISAAA AfriCenter to implement the COMESA Biotechnology Implementation Plan (COMBIP). The MoU, signed in Lusaka on 5 June 2024, outlines several areas where ISAAA AfriCenter and COMESA-ACTESA will work together which includes rolling out a communications strategy on agricultural biotechnology and biosafety to raise awareness and address misinformation. Read more.

Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass, a Game-changer in Africa's Quest to produce Homegrown Reagents

Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass, a Game-changer in Africa's Quest to produce Homegrown Reagents

The cohort of 30, the second group to benefit from the Africa Biosciences Hubs (AfriBIOHubs) training initiative, left fulfilled after the conclusion of a week-long Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass (EMM) course held in June this year. The Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass is a short hands-on course that strengthens researchers' capacity to produce essential enzymes for molecular biology including DNA polymerases for PCR. Read more.

Kenyan Stakeholders determined to stem the Spread of Misinformation about Biotech

Kenyan Stakeholders determined to stem the Spread of Misinformation about Biotech

To nip the spread of misinformation in the bud, ISAAA AfriCenter held two significant sensitization events on 28th and 29th May 2024. The two, a Research Officers' Biosafety Misinformation Sensing short course and OFAB-Kenya Luncheon, were held in Naivasha, Rift Valley, during the 12th Annual Biosafety Conference. Read more

Meet Young Biotech Scientists Championing for Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya

Meet Young Biotech Scientists Championing for Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya

After a fast-paced two-day early career scientists' workshop at the University of Embu, the Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Kenya (OFAB-Kenya) and partners organized a sensitization forum and study visit to a Bt cotton farm in Kirinyaga, central Kenya. The forum also aimed at engaging young scientists in critical conversations about biodiversity and their crucial role in its conservation. Read more

Second Malawi Symposium promotes One Health in Research and Academia

Second Malawi Symposium promotes One Health in Research and Academia

Stakeholders and partners in the human, animal and environmental health sectors in Malawi have renewed their commitment to collaborate more in a bid to promote the adoption of the One Health approach to address health and sustainable development challenges in the country. Read more

Ghanaian Media mostly report GMO issues positively, Study shows

Ghanaian Media mostly report GMO issues positively, Study shows

Media coverage of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Ghana has mainly focused on the impact of GM crops on the country's food security, a new study reveals. The study, published in GM Crops & Food Journal, shows a decline in media articles on controversial aspects of GM crops after the approval of Bt cowpea in June 2022. The study analyzed GMO stories reported by three major digital news outlets in Ghana from January 2021 to December 2023. Read more

TOP 10 FACTS About Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety